Breast reduction surgery — Discover me who can undergo surgery!
Big or heterogeneous breasts bother you, right? Large breasts not only affect external beauty but also create health problems such as feeling of heaviness or pain in the shoulders and back. You should feel all these problems if your breast size is large or disproportionate.
But, there’s no reason to panic or feel bad about it. Breast reduction aims to eliminate excess fat or glandular tissue in order to reduce the size of the breasts.
The pain caused by large breast size
Many women want to have large breasts , but not large and disproportionately large breasts . There is a difference between the two. One can seem attractive a only if all parts of the body fit with each other. If you have big or huge breasts , you may experience the following problems:
1. Less active lifestyle: Doctor (Parag Telang), one of Mumbai’s most trusted breast reduction surgeons, acknowledged that large breasts may lead to an inactive or less active lifestyle . Even if you like yen outdoor sports, yen may have to think twice before participating in the game . It hinders the daily activities as well.
2. Infections and rashes under the breasts: As most often, heavy breasts lean down, and become more prone to rashes, irritations and infections in those areas.
3. breast flabby: lead large size of the breast to the sagging e , which distorts the attractiveness of your shape . It may also affect the appreciation of women
4. severe health problems such as neck and back pain: Due to the weight of the breasts and Osenhma excess, created a feeling by pain in the neck or shoulders or back areas of the upper.
5. suffering of finding suitable clothes: heavy breasts have a disproportionate often and spoil the consistency of your body , which means that if your clothes tight in the lower areas of the body, it may not suit your breasts and vice versa. Thus, T becomes the process of choosing suitable clothes for a daunting task .
6. Low self-esteem: Because it causes a lot of discomfort and difficult to choose clothes, and thus ultimately reduces your self-confidence. It instills a sense of hatred towards your body.
7. social interactions less: while you lose yen trust yourself because of breast big saggy, it would you begin to avoid social gatherings. It hinders your social life in C I .
Candidate s events for breast reduction surgery
You are the candidate of the right of the breast reduction surgery if you :
1. A woman who is at least 18 years old.
2. Do not suffer n obesity.
3. Do not fight a weight loss system.
4. You should not be pregnant or breastfeeding .
5. Taatmtaan b sound health and I am not infected with diabetes or ill heart .
6. completely quit smoking before surgery.
7. Most important, you must have a realistic expectation of surgery.
Breast reduction surgery is the best clinical solution for a large breast. They make your look more fit and attractive. Breast reduction surgery is a procedure designed to reduce the appearance of male breasts and giving males a more masculine look. Abnormal enlargement of the chest area can cause both physical and mental distress in males if not treated timely. To know more about male breast reduction in Dubai and its related treatments please book an appointment with us today. . If you want yen to learn more about this procedure, please send us an or call the number 7506710258 to book an appointment. Consult the best plastic and cosmetic surgery in Dubai, Abu Dhabi for all kinds of concerns and uplift your confidence. Dr. Pararg Telang offers the best services and expert medical help.